Ayurvedic Services

Wellness Counseling

Wellness Counseling

Counseling sessions with trained Ayurveda professionals.

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Shirodhara is a wonderful, one-of-a-kind Ayurvedic body therapy. It has a significant effect on the nervous system. The treatment immediately and directly soothes, relaxes, and cleanses the mind and nerves.

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Regular abhyanga practice produces a profound sense of stability, strength, and well-being. It also restores balance to the three doshas, massages the lymphatic system, boosts circulation, improves skin tone, enhances stamina, calms the nerves, counteracts the effects of ageing, and cultivates self-love.

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Nasyam (Errhine Therapy) is a highly effective rejuvenating Ayurvedic procedure that entails giving therapeutic herbal oils through the nose. It's a Kalarichikilsa treatment approach for disorders affecting the head, and the effects are far-reaching.

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