Ayurveda Health Guide

Circulatory Health

Circulatory Health

Anemia What Causes It? When the Doshas are aggravated, and Pitta is mostly exaggerated, Pitta in the heart is forced into the arteries and veins that connect to the heart. Vata is responsible for Pitta moving and spreading throughout the body. Pitta then vitiates Kapha, causing the skin, blood, and muscles to turn yellowish white (the most common color), deep yellow, or green. There are five types of anemia: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Tridosha, and one caused by eating mud. Remedies for Anemia Vata: Organic yogurt, boiled milk, sesame oil, and ghee. Steamed vegetables. Pitta: Salads, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, dandelion...

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Digestive Health

Digestive Health

Anorexia Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder marked by an abnormally low body weight, an extreme fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of one's own weight. Controlling one's weight and shape is a top goal for people with anorexia. Hence, patients might go to tremendous measures to limit their calorie intake like vomiting after eating, abusing laxatives, diet supplements, diuretics, or enemas and overexercising. Remedies for Anorexia Digestive herbs: Cardamom, ginger To stop vomiting: Red raspberry, ginger Tonics: Chyavan prash, ashwagandha Herbs supporting nervous system: Gotu kola, sandalwood, jatamanshi, ashwagandha Foods: Bland rice and mung dal. Massage: Shirodhara...

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Prevalent Diseases

Prevalent Diseases

High Cholesterol Cholesterol is a lipid in the body which protects nerves, cell tissues and produces certain hormones. When cholesterol is excessive, it induces blood vessel blockages. This can make the heart's job more difficult, resulting in elevated blood pressure. Cholesterol deposits can lead to plaque buildup in blood arteries, which can then break off and create a clot. What Causes It? In the recent times, high cholesterol has become a common ailment due to factors like sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and increased rate of obesity. However, high cholesterol can be also caused by medical conditions like chronic kidney disease,...

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Abnormal Growths

Abnormal Growths

Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body, sleep issues, exhaustion, and often emotional and mental suffering. People with fibromyalgia are said to have higher pain sensitivity than usual. What Causes It? Fibromyalgia's causes remain unknown, and they may differ from person to person. According to current studies, the neurological system, particularly the central nervous system, is involved (brain and spinal cord). It is usually brought on by some sort of trigger like back pain, arthritis, an injury, or another any physical stress. Emotional stress may also precipitate this disease. Remedies for Fibromyalgia Shirodhara Abhyanga Herbs...

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