Ayurvedic Recipes

Healing Ayurvedic Kichadi

Healing Ayurvedic Kichadi

I’ve been a vegetarian all my life and prefer plant-based diet most of the time but my curiosity into Ayurvedic cooking is more recent.  Kichadi in Hindi means a mix of everything. It’s a famous one pot Indian meal that combines lentils and rice, traditionally made with a little ghee (clarified butter) and spice.  This recipe plays a key role in Ayurvedic nutritional healing, especially during illness and detoxing. This yummy, healthy soul food is packed with flavors and nutrients. Mung dhal is Tridoshic, and together with rice provides a complete source of protein and be sure to add the ghee. Very easy to make in a rice cooker or instant pot.  Brown rice or Barley can be substituted for the basmati rice to make...

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