Benefits of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is commonly known for the many benefits that the gel and juice comprise, and for decades has been a key ingredient used to treat many health conditions. Here are a few benefits:

Great for Skin Care

  1. Revives burned skin due to sunburn.
  2. A natural skin moisturizer that consists of oxygen properties that contribute to healthier skin by fortifying tissues.
  3. Offers glowing and smooth skin.
  4. Gently soothes insect-bites, allergic reactions, psoriasis and eczema heals wounds and blisters.

Effectively fights Pimple/Acne

  1. Acne occurs when the hair follicles and sebaceous glands become inflamed. Aloe Vera therefore provides a natural pimple and acne remedy when applied directly to your face due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

  1. Replenishes the body with natural amino acids required for digestion and even helps to soothe heartburn and constipation.
  2. Improves muscle and joint mobility.
  3. Boosts the immune system as it’s filled with essential vitamins and minerals such as; A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, calcium, folic acid, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, niacin and many more!
  4. Helps to control blood sugar levels for diabetics. 
  5. Essential tonic for the female reproductive system; revitalizing the uterus.

Other Benefits of Aloe Vera

  • Restores the health of one’s hair by treating lice and dandruff
  • Strengthens gums and teeth
  • Helps to smooth respiratory conditions such as sinuses and bronchitis, the common cold and flu
  • Did you know that recent studies are underway to explore the medicinal value in relation to the treatment of cancer and even AIDS?

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